The time has come where I have finally created a blog. I’ve thought about this idea for a while, and figure there is no better place to start than after moving 3,504 miles from home to begin a new adventure in London. As I embark upon this new relationship; the relationship between myself and my blog; the relationship between me and those who choose to read its contents, I am excited and anxious for what lies ahead of me. I hope to be as transparent as possible and to take everyone on this crazy ride of travel, adventure, self-discovery, and madness with me.


Let’s start with what I’ve been up to. I’ve been in London for around four weeks now. I was apprehensive about my living arrangements when I first arrived, noticing that I’m about a 20-minute drive from central London. However, in a small village called Highgate, I’ve managed to feel at home. As I sit in a small coffee shop doing my homework on a quiet Sunday, it reminds me a lot of my small town at home, and there’s a certain sense of ease that I feel in such an atmosphere. I’ve finally mastered the commute on the tube (sometimes stuck under the armpits of some extremely fragrant individuals and forced to face my fear of the germs that exist on the hand rails) and after a couple weeks of overwhelming unfamiliarity, have settled into my rigorous class schedule.


However, the most exciting parts of London so far have been in the experiences that I have had outside the classroom. I’ve been to museums like the Tate Modern, the British Museum, the National Gallery, the Wellcome Collection, and other landmarks like Buckingham Palace and Kensington Palace, to name a few. I’ve fallen in love with afternoon tea at Fortnum and Masons and am struggling to keep my distance from the seven magical floors at Harrods (sorry dad). Discovering areas like Soho and Notting Hill have been fascinating, and I’ve realized that wandering down each and every street can be full of surprises.


Although it’s only been a couple weeks, I feel like I’ve been in London forever. It almost feels like it was always meant to be. I can’t wait to continue this journey and see where it takes me! Attached are some of my favorite photos from so far 🙂


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Around the Corner // Notting Hill (14-01-18).

me film

On Film // Trafalgar Square (17-01-18).

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Views // Observation deck at Tate Modern (07-01-18).

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Colors // Notting Hill (14-01-18).

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Cereal Killer Café // Camden Town (18-01-18).

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Simply White // Kensington (26-01-18).

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Seeing Stars // Buckingham Palace (07-01-18).














































One Comment Add yours

  1. Mom says:

    What a great start to your blog and really felt apart of the journey as a jealous reader;-)


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