April 9th was a highly anticipated day. It was a day that I have been anxiously dreaming of since October. A day that I was going to cross somewhere extraordinary off of my bucket list. April 9th was the day that I was traveling to Morocco. Our driver guided us out of the airport at…


Arguably one of my favorite places in the world, Italy is a country with the scenery, food, and atmosphere to make me pinch myself as I turn each corner. So, this Easter weekend, I traveled to Milan and Lake Como to spend several days enjoying the wonders (and most importantly the food) of such a…


A weekend in Copenhagen mirrors a romantic movie scene. Walking through the cobblestoned streets of Nyhavn, Danish locals zip past on vibrant bikes, quickly weaving between tourists and leaving the area’s pastel-colored houses and icy waters in their past. At 8:30 am, the city remains silent and motionless, so much so that one could imagine…


On Monday morning, I couldn’t quite put my finger on what was making me smile. Most would say it was the fact that my family was in town. Some would suggest it was the fact that I was able to move out of my dorm for the week and stay in a five-star hotel. Others…


Fashion has the innate ability to reveal so much about one’s culture, history, and character. Clothing can bring people together, tear people apart, or disclose things about individuals that dive below surface level assumptions. These specific qualities are no better demonstrated than in the Victoria & Albert Museum’s recent exhibit, “Balenciaga: Shaping Fashion.” The showcase…


There is something so magical that corresponds with the word “Paris.” Every time I hear that single word, my ears ring with a sense of happiness, a hope of possibility, and a desire for crêpes, croissants, and croque monsieur. When I think of Paris, I think of the first time my parents took me there…


The time has come where I have finally created a blog. I’ve thought about this idea for a while, and figure there is no better place to start than after moving 3,504 miles from home to begin a new adventure in London. As I embark upon this new relationship; the relationship between myself and my…